If you’re like most Hampton Roads residents, you are probably quite familiar with the perils of a long commute to and from work. And since the arrival of summer and its tradition of extra roadwork and tourist traffic, you’ve probably noticed that the already lengthy commute is a little more lengthy.
Traffic at the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel…A day in the life.
Along with being just plain annoying, long drive times and bumper to bumper traffic can even have an adverse effect on cardiovascular health. Unless you’re the type of person who likes being stuck in traffic, American Pride wants to give you some tips on making the most of the commute and lessening its stress on both you and your vehicle!
Safety Disclaimer: Avoid distracted driving at all costs and pay attention to all Virginia driving laws as they apply to cell phone use. Cell phones present risks even in stopped traffic, so go “hands-free” whenever possible and use your best judgment.
1. Get comfortable. If you know you have a long road to hoe at rush hour, stock the car with things that tend to keep you comfortable and happy. Healthy snacks, a seat cover that offers extra cushioning, coffee, and/or a playlist of your favorite tunes can do the trick.
2. Tune up the A/C. Have you noticed that your vehicle’s air conditioning isn’t quite up to the task of beating the summer heat? Fighting the traffic is difficult in the first place; fighting it without A/C is worse. Now is a great time to get your car into American Pride for an A/C system inspection. We fix leaks and recharge it (in that order) so you can handle the heat.
3. “Read up” with audiobooks and podcasts. Having a busy life often means that leisurely reading is put on the back burner and reserved for weekends or vacations. Take advantage of your commute by queuing up the next item on your want-to-read list! If you’re more of a current events aficionado, a podcast might be in order instead.
4. Consider alternative commute options. Unless you live close to your workplace, biking and walking to work may not be viable options (though they are the most heart-healthy choices!). That doesn’t mean you can’t get creative. Hampton Roads Transit offers an innovative “Park and Ride” program that allows drivers to park their cars in a central lot closer to home and then hop on public transportation to make it the rest of the way. Not only does this option save gas and lessen vehicle wear and tear, it is also a bit better for the environment! Check out the list of central lot locations here.
5. Don’t forget the oil change! We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: There are few things more important to vehicle maintenance and engine life than regular oil changes, especially if a car is subjected daily to long commutes. If you’re in need of an oil change, bring your vehicle into American Pride. You don’t even need an appointment.
6. Call someone you love. Keeping our cellphone warning in mind, a long car ride is sometimes ideal for reconnecting with good friends and loved ones with whom you haven’t had time to stay in touch.
7. Plan the day (or the weekend). Whether by making a “to-do list” on your cell phone or simply making mental notes, use the relative peace and quiet of the commute to set a course for the day or pre-orchestrate weekend activities. That way, you can walk into work feeling more centered and see the light at the end of the tunnel that is the weekend.
8. Get a brake check. In stop and go traffic, faulty brakes run the risk of causing fender benders or worse. Come to American Pride for a brake inspection and the peace of mind that comes with knowing you can stop on a dime if need be.
9. Take inventory of things you’re grateful for. Instead of succumbing to the road rage of rush hour, take a few moments to reflect on the things that make your life worthwhile! Maybe it’s family, a fulfilling career, your health, or just the beautiful weather…there’s always something positive to dwell upon and car rides are great for reflection.
With three locations in Toano, Williamsburg, and Newport News, all easily accessible from I-64, American Pride Automotive is a busy driver’s automotive care safe haven. Call for an appointment or just stop in on your way home from work. We’re here for you!